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pureline II

Application area: Normal care
Product group: Single bed lights, Wall supply units (classic)

Freedom of design all the way down the line

Single-bed luminaire
As a visually attractive single-bed luminaire, pureline II is bound to impress thanks to its plain lines, unruffled elegance and healthful light. For the patient, it brings a note of homeliness into the often unfamiliar environment of the hospital. Even as a single-bed luminaire, pureline II easily meets the requirements placed on perfect general, reading, examination and night lighting. A choice can be made between versions fitted with contemporary LED technology or with T16 fluorescent tubes.

Whether at the patient’s instigation, brought about by the staff or unexpec­tedly quickly – as soon as the situation in the care room changes, pureline II can respond by changing its appearance. Extremely diverse lighting requirements ranging from daily ward rounds through to everyday activities such as reading, eating or communicating can be catered for by finely coordinated combinations of indirect room light and direct lighting. At the same time, its unique compact system channel means that pureline II is a medical supply unit, almost without anyone noticing.

pureline II Allgemeinbeleuchtung

General lighting
Two slimline T16 lamps or state-of-the-art LED technology are the frugal energy sources for pleasant ambient lighting providing high visual comfort. Specially desig­ned reflec­tors guarantee excellent light distribution, besides an outstanding light output ratio.

pureline II Untersuchungsbeleuchtung

Examination lighting
In the case of doctors’ visits, examinations and medical treatment, glare-free light with high illuminance and excellent colour rendition is indispensable. Through a well-balanced combination of indirect room lighting and dimmable direct light, pureline II offers ideal visual conditions for doctors and nursing staff.

pureline II Lesebeleuchtung

Reading lighting
The reading light, which can be adjusted as a standard feature of the luminaire module, can be perfectly arranged to suit the patient’s bed, enabling the de­signer to make fine adjustments during the installation phase. Lighting scenes can be personalised without disturbing the occupants of adjacent beds. Even the reading light is available with innovative LED technology.

The lighting concept can lend a room a cosy feel, especially in medically used areas where architecture and equipment have to fulfil a large number of functional tasks. pureline II integrates the light­ing and medical supply unit into the architecture as a horizontal axis, producing a lighting effect that does everyone involved good – a lighting effect that can be adjusted to an extremely wide variety of situations and tasks, creates pools of light, provides accent lighting and never overlooks one impor­tant factor: the need for economy through maximum energy efficiency. pureline II meets the most exacting human, economic and ecological requirements.

pureline II – reduced in its dimensions and form to a minimum, yet in its function extended far beyond what is usual – builds a bridge to a space-creating design element, which in its purity and formal elegance opens up new possibili­ties of interior design.”

Assembly, cleaning Single bed lights


The medical supply units and single-bed lighting fixtures can be installed and mounted on solid or plasterboard construction walls. Customer provided substructure is required for plasterboard walls. Project-specific substructures are used for ceiling-mounted supply units.


Our products can be cleaned with conventional cleaning agents and disinfected with alcohol-free disinfectants.

Surfaces are protected by high-quality electrostatic powder coating. Non-coated parts are made of anodized aluminium or chrome-nickel steel. All plastic parts are resistant to cleaning agents and disinfectants.


Our comprehensive range of accessories means you can set up your work area exactly as you want it. Consult our Accessories Catalogue to find out about the wide range of options available to you.

Further products from product group Single bed lights,Wall supply units classic

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